Me and Secrist with a Gidro
Faith. For those that know me, they know that faith is very important to me in my life. To me faith is a belief is something bigger that ones self. For example a belief in God, or a princpal. It is what drives us to want to imporve and be better people. For example, my life's passion skiing, with out faith I would have no desire to become better, to work on a new trick, or to get out of bed early on a Pow day. To have faith is to have purpose.
Faith is also the reason, that I put my life on hold for two years, just over three years ago. I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, yeah thats right I'm a mormon. During this mission I left my family here in america and moved to Africa for two years, more specifically the island of Madagascar. On a mission the missionary is fully engaged in the work at hand, 12hour days 7 days a week. He obstains from television and radio that he might be able to focus on the work. For me this experence helped define who I am, as well as teach me a great deal about the world and my God. I was able to share something that I loved, my beliefs, with a people that I loved which helped me build my faith.
Now I know that there may be people that read this and not have the same beliefs as me, but what ever a persons beliefs, a belief is purpose. So yeah thats a little about me, if you see me around ask me about my mission I love to talk about it. Peace.
rep it proud son!