
Friday, November 19, 2010



A couple of months back, with the help of some investors (Mom and Dad) I was able to purchase a new Canon T2i/550D. Since then I've been trying to learn how to use this new camera, which is less of a camera and more like a baby. As many of you who have used a DSLR know, there are few cameras that can compare to them, however there is a learning curve. So for the past few months I've trying to figure this sweet little toy out, and this is just the next step. I made a little timelapse, which was much harder than I could have ever imagined, but I think it turned out ok. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think, or if you have any tips that would be awesome too! Thanks!

Trains from Peter Fitts on Vimeo.

Monday, November 1, 2010



So I haven't updated my blog in awhile. This is mostly due to the fact that the SLC and the DUBsatch have been gettin some of that white. so here are a few pics of my latest happenings.

Went and hiked Flagstaff with Andy Meehan from Colour Films and this is what we got! Sick Andy thanks for the Pic
We bulit a little booter that day too. Picture by Andy Meehan, Matt park in the background staright GTSing.
Rail Jammin @ the Demon Snow Warehouse
Slayin way to hard
Ding! thanks Mike Larsen for the photo!
lil mute
shoulder lean!

Thanks to Mike larsen, Andy meehan, Demon Snow, Colour Films, Surface skis, Joystick, and Causwell
for makin this preseason for being so bangin